Wednesday, 22 July 2015

With a view to promote his business

This night being the eve of a Sunday, on which a general communion was to be at the cathedral church of Zurich, in Switzerland, called Munster Kirk; and many thousands were expected there to partake of it; the wine was prepared and brought to the church, to be ready against morning; but, in the mean time, an incarnate devil dared to lay hands on the sanctuary of the Lord, and poisoned all the wine.

In the morning, when the sacrament was administered, there was a horrid confusion; several fainted away on the spot; several vomited; several were taken with a violent cholic; and, in short, the whole city was thrown into the utmost consternation. Upon this, an experiment was tried, and the poison discovered.

About eight had died of the poison when this account came away; and had not the bad taste of the wine given early notice of the intended mischief, many more must have perished: still some hundreds were dangerously ill.

After a strict examination, it was discovered, that one Wirtz, a grave-digger, was the perpetrator of this diabolical deed, with a view to promote his business, which had been slack for some time. The villain was immediately apprehended; but what is become of him, we have not as yet learned.

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