Sunday, 5 July 2015

Desirous that he should suffer before her

On Friday last, a few minutes before twelve o'clock at noon, Susannah Lott and Benjamin Buss were taken from the gaol, in order to be executed, pursuant to their sentence, for the murder of Mr.
Lott, by poison. Buss, dressed in black, was carried in a waggon drawn by four horses, and attended by two or three sheriff's officers. Mrs. Lott dressed in a suit of mourning she had for her husband, immediately followed on a hurdle drawn by four horses. In this manner they proceeded till they came to the place of execution; when Buss, after joining in prayer with the clergyman, was hanged on a gallows about one hundred yards from the place where Mrs. Lott was to be executed.

When he had hung about fifteen minutes, the officers thus proceeded to execute sentence on Mrs. Lott, who was particularly desirous that he should suffer before her: A post, about seven feet high, was fixed in the ground; it had a peg near the top, to which Mrs. Lott, standing on a stool, was fastened by the neck; when the stool was taken away, she hung about a quarter of an hour, till she was quite dead: a chain was then turned round her body, and properly fastened by staples to the post, when a large quantity of faggots being placed round her, and set on fire, the body was consumed to ashes.

She was very sensible of her crime, and died entirely penitent. The man did not betray any remarkable concern for his approaching end.

It is computed there were 5000 persons attending the execution.

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