Sunday, 26 July 2015

A cask of gunpowder

Bristol, Dec. 26. Tuesday, about six o'clock in the evening, part of a cask of gunpowder being brought into the house of Mr. Deake, in Queen-square, and set down in the passage, the servant girl passing by with a candle in her hand, and seeing a strange cask, stooped down the candle to see what it was, when it unfortunately, dropped into the powder, which took fire, and killed the girl on the spot. There was a little child by at the same time, which had her cap blown off, but providentially received no harm, notwithstanding the servant was thrown a considerable distance, and the greatest part of her clothes torn to pieces. The poor creature's head and face were burnt to a cinder, and the flesh of her breast and arms lacerated in a manner that may be more easily conceived than described. The adjacent houses were shaken by the explosion, and the air for a considerable distance much agitated.

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