Monday, 13 July 2015

Free access to her bed-chamber

Mrs. Tonge, who kept a milliner's shop in Fleet-street, was this day tried at the Old Bailey upon two indictments. The first was for privately stealing a piece of lace in the shop of Mr. Green in Cheapside. Upon the shopman's  charging her with stealing the lace, she offered him twenty guineas to let her go; but he still persisting in sending for a constable, she threw her arms round him, told him she was not married, and that if he would forgive her she would give him 100l, and he should have free access to her bed-chamber whenever he pleased; but as the case did not properly come within the description in the act respecting secret and private stealing, she was, after two very long trials, acquitted of that part of both the indictments, and received sentence of transportation.

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