The body of a coachman, found without any of the common signs of life, in a stable at Fulham, to which he went a few days before, in a seeming state of good health, to put up his horses, was buried at that place. But when the funeral was over, a person insisting that, during the performance of the service, he heard a rumbling and struggling in the coffin, the earth was removed, and the coffin taken out of the grave; when, on opening it, there appeared evident proofs, that the unhappy man, though then absolutely dead, had come to himself, as his body was very much bruised in several places, some of which were still bleeding; and there appeared besides a quantity of blood in the coffin.
Surely, it is high time to put the office of searchers into better hands; and who so fit for the purpose, as the gentlemen of the faculty belonging to the Society for the recovery of persons apparently drowned, &c. who might be allowed a suitable reward for their trouble, payable by the parish when the friends of the supposed deceased were too poor to pay it; and a still greater reward, in case they should bring to life any person given over as dead by those they belonged to.
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