Extract of a Letter from Paris.
"A Swiss, who had been hired before the vintage, in a neighbouring province, to take care of the vines, took advantage of the absence of the husbandman to attempt the seduction of his daughter; but, not being able to effect this by persuasion, he satisfied his brutal appetite by force. To prevent detection, he then killed the young woman and fled. Being immediately pursued, he was overtaken, and delivered up to the justice of his own nation; (for the Swiss nation, by treaty, have a sovereign right to decide in all causes civil and criminal, relative to their own nation in France.) He was adjudged, after trial, to the usual punishment in the like cases, viz. to be sawed alive into two. He was accordingly jammed in (all except his head) between two large logs of wood hollowed for that purpose, and in that posture under-went the dreadful punishment. He was then exposed to public view, as a warning to others whose passions are stronger than their reason."
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