Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Criminally cohabited with her father

On the 4th instant, at Haversham, Bucks, a very singular inquisition was taken by the coroner for the said county, on view of the bodies of one male and two female bastard children, found secreted behind the chimney of a house at that place, occupied for some time past by a man and his daughter; when it appeared upon the examination of divers witnesses, and the confession of the daughter, that she had criminally cohabited with her father, by whom she had all the above-named infants; that she was from time to time privately delivered of them all; that two of them were born alive, and immediately murdered by her father; that the last was still-born; and that all three were secreted by her said father behind the chimney, from whence they had been taken.

Upon which evidence and confession, the jury brought in their verdict, that two of the children were murdered by the father (who died about a year ago), and his daughter is committed to Aylesbury gaol, to take her trial at the next assizes.

And on Saturday last a second inquisition was taken at the same place, on view of another child, afterwards found behind the same chimney, supposed to have been her's, and murdered and secreted there by her and her deceased father.

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