Saturday, 13 June 2015

Never fear

Died. - Henry Howarth, Esq. a gentleman of high reputation at the bar, about 36 years of age, one of the king's counsel, and member of parliament for Abingdon, Berks, was drowned near Mortlake, within sight of his own house.

He and Mr. Chippendale, a near relation, were sailing in a boat to Mr. Howarth's, and had made fast the sheet, when by a sudden squall, the boat was unfortunately overset. Mr. Howarth, who was an excellent swimmer, cried, "Chip, never fear, we shall do very well!" At this instant, the mast struck Mr. Howarth on the head, who immediately sunk, and was not found until about three quarters of an hour afterwards. Mr. Chippendale, by clinging to the side of the boat, happily saved himself.

Mr. Howarth was universally beloved, and is greatly regretted by all who had the honour of his acquaintance.

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