A NARROW ESCAPE. - A young woman named Reed, aged eighteen, living in Hertford, who left her home to go for a walk on Sunday afternoon, had a narrow escape. She did not return, and although the rivers in the neighbourhood were dragged and search made in every direction for four days, her mysterious disappearance remained wholly inexplicable, when some invalid Bluecoat boys, who were gathering flowers in Little Mole Wood, accidentally found her lying at the bottom of a gravel pit, between nine feet and ten feet deep. The poor girl was quite conscious, though in a state of extreme exhaustion.
She states that she went into the wood for the purpose of gathering wild hyacinths, and fell backwards into the hole. She found herself quite unable to get out again. She called out as loudly as she could for help, but as there is no pathway in the wood, and the public road runs some thirty feet from the edge of it, her cries were unheard. In consequence she lay for four days and four nights without food.
Notwithstanding the exposure and privation she has undergone, her life is not considered in danger, and she appears to be satisfactorily recovering from the effects of this extraordinary misadventure.
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