At Chateauroux, near Poitiers, there is a boy about 13 years of age, whose name is William Gay; and who, if we may believe a number of persons, has neither eat nor drank any thing since the 14th of April, 1760. His mouth has a little tincture of vermillion; a pale red overspreads his cheeks; and he has a smiling countenance. His belly is, as it were joined to his backbone, and he voids neither urine nor excrement; he sleeps regularly and soundly nine hours every day.
Since he has ceased eat and drinking, he has had the small-pox very violently, which hasn't in the least impaired his constitution. He used to be ailing during the time of his taking nourishment, and has often been thrown into a lethargy of three days continuance.
All the food which they endeavoured to give him afterwards, he voided thro' his nose and ears, M. Fournier, the curate of Chateauroux, took him home to his house for a whole month, and appears perfectly convinced of the reality of this extraordinary fact.
An account of so surprising a phenomenon has been communicated to the royal academy of sciences.
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