Tuesday, 30 June 2015

He lost his road

As Mr. Bainbridge of Bolton, near Lancaster, was attempting to cross the Seven-mile sands, in a thick fog, he lost his road, and wandered about till the flood-tide came in and surrounded him; he killed his horse galloping backwards and forwards, to escape the tide; and was fortunately taken up (after floating on the surface of the water about five hours) seated on the dead horse, motionless, and benumbed with cold, by two youths, belonging to the sloop Providence, from Milnthorp, then riding at anchor (since arrived), who towed him with their boat to the side of the vessel, hoisted him with a tackle on board, rolled and rubbed his body, and finding some appearance of life, stripped him, and clothed him with dry cloaths, and applied some brandy and water to his mouth, which, with great difficulty, they got down his throat. Life visibly returning, they carried him in their beat to a public-house, where, after putting him in a warm bed, he recovered in a few hours.

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