Monday, 15 June 2015

Incest and murder

Incest and Murder. - An inquest was held at Birmingham, on view of the body of Mary Dodd, aged 33, who died at the workhouse, on the previous Friday, of the effects of poison, supposed to have been administered by her own father, Abraham Dodd, for the purpose of procuring abortion.

Evidence of a very conclusive character was adduced to prove that an incestuous intercourse had been carried on, for some time, between the father and daughter. Dodd was almost 66 years old, by trade a brass-founder, but, being very ingenious, he had also worked as an optician. He was a widower.

The deceased was defective in her intellect. There were no other inmates of the house, and Dodd always appeared very anxious that his daughter should hold no intercourse with any of the neighbours. To prevent this as much as possible, he used to keep her almost constantly within doors, and if ever she escaped, he beat, and otherwise ill-treated her.

About mid-day on Friday last, Dodd called on the surgeon who had formerly attended the family, and desired him to come and see his daughter, who, he said, was very ill. The surgeon accordingly went, and found the deceased in a very wretched condition, and he thought it prudent to have her removed. A car was procured, and she was taken to the workhouse, where she expired in less than an hour after her arrival.

The body was after wards opened, when it was discovered that she was far advanced in pregnancy. The contents of the stomach were analyzed and arsenic detected, and suspicion falling upon Dodd, he was immediately taken into custody.

The Jury returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against Abraham Dodd."

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