Saturday, 13 June 2015


Died, suddenly, in Dublin, Miss Clancy, daughter of the late William Clancy, formerly one of the most considerable merchants in Dublin. The circumstances of this lady's death are very extraordinary; on the morning of her decease she told the family she had passed a most disagreeable night, having dreamed that her eldest sifter (a widow lady who resides in France) was dead, and that her ghost had appeared to her, to warn her of an immediate dissolution: at first she refused to credit the ghost, declaring her health to be very good; but the apparition persevered in asserting, she had but a few hours to live.

This dream affected her much, but she was rallied out of her fears. She paid some morning visits, and then retired to her devotion. At dinner she was very chearful, but suddenly dropped her knife and fork, complained of a violent pain in her head, and instantly expired.

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