Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Unnatural offences

At the Lancaster assizes, which closed this day, 13 prisoners received sentence of death: John Barlow, for stealing six pieces of calico; Luke Lockard and Peter Higgins, for forgery; James Sidebottom, for stealing a waistcoat, &c. Ralph Bolton, for a burglary; Charles Johnson and Robert Thomas, for forgery; James Yates, for wounding and ravishing Mary Hoyle, of Spolland; Isaac Hitchen, aged 62, for an assault, with intent to commit an unnatural crime on John Knight (he was one of the most affluent men in Warrington; his wealth is said to exceed 60,000l.) James Stockton, Thomas Fox, and Joseph Holland, for a similar offence on Thomas Taylor; and John Powell, for an unnatural crime with John Knight.

The judge (baron Graham,) in the most impressive manner, advised the eight last mentioned malefactors to prepare to meet the fate which the laws of their country had affixed to their heinous offences. Hopes of mercy were held, out to the other five.

It appeared on the trials of Hitchen, Stockton, Fox, Holland, and Powell, that they regularly assembled at the house of Hitchen, on Monday and Friday evenings; and that they called one another brother. The judge very properly ordered that no notes should be taken on these trials, nor any young persons be allowed to be present at them, five of the persons charged with unnatural offences were admitted as evidences for the crown.

Stockton, Powell, Holland, Lockard, Higgins, and Yates were executed on the 13th, on the new drop, erected at the back of the castle.

Stockton first ascended the scaffold; he appeared much agitated, indeed his limbs seemed almost inadequate to their task. Powell seemed much affected, though he did not display such dejection as the former. Holland appeared in a state of the greatest agitation; the contrition of his countenance truly indicated the penitence of his mind; on the scaffold 'his feeling appeared the most acute; he seemed impressed with all the horrors consequent to a situation so awful; and to implore the pardon of Almighty God with the greatest fervency. He was a man advanced in years, of a gentlemanly appearance, and possessed of a handsome property. Yates (a young man) ran up the scaffold steps, and seemed little affected; Lockard and Higgins (young men) appeared greatly dejected, Hitchen and Fox are respited.

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