Monday, 19 September 2016

Occasioned by his own act

An inquisition was held at a public-house in Bull-court, Bricklane, Whitechapel, before Mr. Unwin, one of the coroners, on view of the body of John Hadley, a journeyman gunsmith, whose death was occasioned by his own act in blowing his brains out.

It appeared, on examination, that the deceased was a widower, left with three small children, in obscure lodgings in that court, and since peace his trade fell off, and for the maintenance of his family he took to selling oysters in the streets and neighbouring public-houses; that on the preceding evening he was prevented from following this business by the street-keeper, who threatened to throw his oysters about the street, and take him to the watch-house.

The unfortunate man, who had previously shown several symptoms of mental derangement, went home in a fit of desperation, and taking his oyster tub, dashed it and its contents up against the ceiling; then taking an old rusty gun-barrel, he loaded it, and placing the muzzle of it to his head, he put the breech end into the fire, on which it exploded and blew his head to atoms. The report brought the inmates to the room, who found him a corpse.

Verdict - Lunacy.

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