Monday, 3 October 2016

She fell from a height of more than 400 feet

Paris, July 8 The extraordinary fete, which was some time announced, at Tivoli, took place on Monday night, and has been signalized by a frightful catastrophe. Among the numerous entertainments which had been promised to the public was, the ascent of Madame Blanchard in a luminous balloon, ornamented with artificial fire-works. Accordingly, at half past ten o'clock, this intrepid aeronaut, dressed in white, having also a white hat with feathers, entered the boat. The signal being given, the balloon rose gently, but by throwing out ballast, Madame Blanchard caused it to ascend more rapidly.

The Bengal fire-pots illuminated this brilliant ascent. The aeronaut waved her flag; and the air resounded with acclamations. Suddenly the balloon entered a light cloud, which completely extinguished the fire-pots. Madame Blanchard then ignited the artificial fire-works, which produced the effect expected, when some of the flying fusees were seen to direct themselves perpendicularly towards the balloon, and the fire communicated with its base. A frightful brilliancy instantly struck terror into all the spectators, leaving no doubt of the deplorable fate of the aeronaut.

It is impossible to paint what passed at this moment at Tivoli. Cries of agony burst forth in every direction; a great number of females suffered violent nervous attacks; and consternation was painted upon the countenance of every one.

The gendarmes instantly galloped towards the place where it was presumed she would fall, and the lifeless body of Madame Blanchard was, in a quarter of an hour, conveyed to Tivoli. She fell from a height of more than 400 feet, in the rue de Provence; the body was still in the boat, being caught in the cords by which it was attached to the balloon.

We need hardly add, that at the general command all the amusements ceased, and that no more fire-works were played off. A collection was instantly opened in favour of Madame Blanchard's family. The unfortunate woman was about 45 years of age.

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