An interesting experiment was lately made at a horse-slaughtering establishment at Dudley, with the view of testing a new system of slaughtering cattle by means of dynamite, and thus putting them out of existence more speedily and with less suffering than by the ordinary pole-axe. Two large powerful horses and a donkey (disabled for work) were ranged in a line about half a yard apart under a shed, the donkey being placed in the centre. A small primer of dynamite, with an electric fuse attached, was then placed on each of their foreheads and fastened in position by a piece of string under the jaw. The wires were then coupled up in circuit, and attached to the electric machine, which stood about five yards in front. The handle of the machine being then turned, an electric current was discharged, which exploded the three charges simultaneously, and the animals instantly fell dead without a struggle. The whole affair was over in two minutes, and the experiment appears to have been a perfect.
It was conducted by Mr. Johnson, agent for Nobel's Explosive Company, Glasgow, assisted by Mr. Harris, one of the dynamite instructors. By this means, it is stated, any number, even a hundred or more cattle, may be instantly killed by the same current of electricity.
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