Monday, 4 January 2021

A terrible accident

 A terrible accident occurred tonight at the Junior Carlton Club, by which a gentleman named Graham, living at Palace-green, Kensington, met with a frightful death. It appears that Mr. Graham, who was about twenty-eight years of age, and another gentleman were the guests of a Mr. Newton, a member of the club. They dined together at eight o'clock, and afterwards adjourned to the strangers' smoking-room, which is situated on the top floor of the building. Here Mr. Newton and his friends remained until eleven o'clock, and upon all three leaving the room Mr. Graham, who happened to be next the banisters, placed his left hand on the balustrade and challenged one of his friends to a trial as to which of them would leap the farthest down the stairs. Before, however, his friends had time to accept the challenge, he, with his left hand still on the banister, sprang forward, and, losing his balance, the unfortunate gentleman whirled over the banister and fell a depth of at least sixty feet down the “well” of the building on to the pavement below.  It was found, upon examination, that he had sustained frightful injuries both externally and internally, and that all chance of recovery was hopeless. He was removed to a convenient apartment, his friends were summoned to his bedside, and his sufferings were alleviated as far as possible by the administration of chloroform. He remained sensible until four o'clock, and at six he died.

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