Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Murder and mutilation by a maniac.

A horrible case of murder and mutilation by a madman has occurred at Preston, near Weymouth. At that village dwelt an aged couple, named Cox, and with them a son, a wild and violent character. This man had had a fit, followed by brain fever. Insanity followed, and he was ordered to be removed to a pauper lunatic asylum. Mr. Puckett, the medical officer, and Mr. White, the relieving officer, proceeded to the parents' cottage. They met the old man, who said, “Be you going to take John away?” They answered that they were. The old man said, “You’d better not, or mischief will be done.” Mr. White went away in order to procure a conveyance, and Mr. Puckett sat down and endeavoured to keep the maniac in conversation. The latter, however, soon became violent and then the father also went away for assistance. The maniac then used such violent language that the doctor went into a small garden in front of the house. The madman went into a back bedroom, tore down a bed-post, followed the doctor, and with this instrument struck him down. He then ran into the house for the purpose of getting his gun (for he was a poacher by occupation), but not readily finding it, seized a saw, rushed to the still insensible doctor, and deliberately sawed his head off. He then sawed off one of the hands and one of the feet; and then, putting on a shirt and an old coat, but without his trousers, ran to the stables of a neighbouring inn, and hid himself in the stables. Here he was in a short time secured by one of the county police.

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