Two GENTI.EMEN FROZEN TO DEATH.- Two gentlemen on a pedestrian excursion in Scotland were found frozen to death on the road leading from Fort William to Kinlochbeg. Mr. Milner, of the 69th regiment, made the following statement to the sheriff. substitute :-
“About eight o'clock this morning (the 2nd of September) one of the servants told me that a drover said he had seen a dead man by the road side about two miles from Kinlochbeg. I immediately walked to the spot, and found two men lying close to one another, about three yards from the road on the low side, quite dead. There was not the slightest sign of struggling or of violence, and their appearance gave me the impression that, having sat down to rest, they became benumbed with the cold and expired. Both were dressed as if travellers, each with a small knap sack on his back. There was a small whisky pocket-flask, quite empty, lying near them. A water proof cape was lying about 400 yards from them, as if the wind had blown it from them. Last night was very stormy, very much so - wind and rain in great abundance, probably the most stormy night we have had this year.”
It appears that the two gentlemen, Mr. William Stericker, of 49, Fenchurch Street, and Mr. W. H. Whitburn, of Esher, Surrey, were strangers to each other, and had journeyed together accidentally. Each had left his home for the purpose of enjoying a pleasure excursion through the romantic scenery of Scotland, and they had been seen on the preceding night laughing with a milk girl, at no great distance from the spot at which their corpses were found. Mr. Stericker had written home on the 31st of August, to inform his friends that he felt perfect happiness in the enjoyment of the most romantic country in the world.
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